Moses with the tablets of the Ten Commandments...

Moses with the tablets of the Ten Commandments, painting by Rembrandt (1659) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

by DJ Martin (SingleFocus Ministry®)

Moses was born at a time when all Hebrew boys were targeted for full term abortion (Exodus 1:16), but his life was saved.  After three months of his life, he was placed in the water inside a basket and rescued by the princess of Egypt, raised by his birth mother and lived in the palace of Pharaoh (Exodus 2:2-10). Now a grown man, Moses, in defense of one of his fellow Hebrews, killed an Egyptian, but escaped punishment as he fled out of Egypt into the desert.  From living in the palace of Pharaoh to living in the desert, Moses dwelt in the land of Midian as a husband, a father and a shepherd of sheep and goats.  It was there that God revealed Himself to Moses in a burning bush which would not be consumed.  God called Moses to deliver His people from the oppression of Pharaoh in Egypt.  So at 80 years of age, Moses crossed the desert sands into Egypt and gained audience with Pharaoh.  Moses saw the mighty hand of God send plagues of all kinds upon Egypt, but sparing his people from those very plagues.  After Pharaoh finally heeded to God’s request and let His people go, Moses led six hundred thousand of the people (not counting the women and children) away from oppressive Egypt. They were preceded with a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night, only to find them up against the Red Sea and chased by Pharaoh’s army behind.  Moses saw God open the Red Sea and the people cross that Sea without getting their feet wet, but Pharaoh’s army drowned in that very sea (Exodus 14:28-29).  During their journey, Moses frequently talked with God up close and personal upon Mount Sinai.  Every time he did, Moses returned to the people changed, both spiritually and physically.  Without him saying a word, it was obvious that Moses had been in the presence of God.  However, one day Moses told God that he wanted to see His face.  But God said, “You cannot see My face: for there shall no man see Me, and live… And the LORD said, Behold, [there is] a place by me, and you shall stand upon a rock:  And it shall come to pass, while my glory passes by, that I will put you in a cleft of the rock, and will cover you with my hand while I pass by:  I will take away My hand, and you shall see My back parts:  but My face shall not be seen (Exodus 33:20 & 23).”  So as Moses stood in the cleft of the mountain and God passed by, Moses saw His backside.

One morning I knelt to pray. However, every time I started to make supplication and intercession all I could do is give thanks.  Every time I would go to open my mouth in petition I would see where I used to be and where God has brought me to.  Every time I would start to make a request, I would see the trouble I had been thru and see how the hand of God brought me victoriously out.  On this morning, when I called upon His great name, I would remember the times He rescued me, delivered me, my friends and my love ones.  Every time I would start to plead for His mercy and grace all I could do is remember how He showed me mercy and grace on yesterday.  I would remember the times when I didn’t have the money to pay my bills, but God mysteriously would have someone put funds in my mailbox.  I would remember the times when accusations were brought against me, but God compassed me with His favor. I would remember the times I didn’t leave to start a long or short trip at the time I had planned, but along my way, God showed me an accident I missed being involved in, because He is omniscient.  I would remember the times my enemies sought me out to solicit my prayers. I would remember when I had no job, but God provided enough funds to pay my car off.  Then at the right time and the right place God provided employment.  I would remember the times when the Doctors said that I was sick, but God healed me.  I would remember the time I was in a car accident, but God kept me safe.  I started reflecting on His grace and mercy and realized that He is my constant rescuer, my shield and my fortress.  I didn’t realize that all the time God was present until this particular morning that I knelt to pray…

Obviously, I’ve never seen His face nor have I met and talked with God as much as Moses did.  I have not seen the years that Moses saw nor performed such a great rescue mission.  But I’ve seen the evidence of God doing the impossible and I’ve seen His hand of deliverance.  I’ve lived in the embrace of His mercy and grace.  He has shared with me things I couldn’t paint a picture of nor write a description of.  I’ve seen Him blaze a trail for me and cover me under the protection of His wings.  I’ve experienced the evidence of His healing mercy and His saving grace. He has been my faithful provider and constant guide. I’ve seen evidence of His presence and benefitted from His favor.  Even so, there have been times I have experienced His mercy and grace and did not realize that He had been there until I’ve had a quiet moment to reflect on my journey.  It’s then that I see the evidence that God had been there each step of the way and would give Him praise.

Moses stood in the cleft of a rock as God passed by covering his eyes so that all he could see was God’s backside.  How incredible!  For Moses to feel His hand cover his face and then get a glimpse of His backside is extraordinary! As I knelt there, like the one leper who returned to Jesus (Luke 17:15-16), all I could do was give Him thanks!  In the midst of praise I realized that I too have seen His backside.  As He passed by He rescued me, saved me, delivered me, comforted me, provided for me, healed me, guided me, and countless other acts of love, grace and mercy.  As I reflected on each time victory was achieved, there was no doubt that God had been there.  The evidence of His presence: the victory, the overcoming, the deliverance, the healing, and the provision.  It was neither by my might nor power, but by the spirit of the true and living God.  It is all evidence that God passed by and I have seen His backside.  Thank God, it is truly by His overwhelming love, grace and mercy that He passed by.  It is indeed a blessed, grateful and wise person who recognizes the grace and mercy of God in their life.  God has come to my rescue so many times.  I have seen His glory. He has shown me His backside!

Just yesterday I turned the corner in my new car and did not see the car coming at me, yet we both safely continued traveling without having an accident;  I tripped coming out of a store and did not fall nor break an ankle; I paid my bill;  I experienced God’s favor and someone brought me lunch; I talked to my sister who confirmed God’s healing presence in her life; though I experienced some disappointments,  I have this peace that surpasses understanding;  I went to sleep and no one disturbed my rest…

Thank You Jesus! He is still showing me His backside!

God [is] our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Psalm 46:1

That’s Todays’ Single Focus…

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